Wednesday, March 19, 2014


GNML Social Media for Social Change is an amazing program. I loved reading the blogs of my fellow participants. They are all very inspiring young souls. The GNML crew altogether are generous and awesome people.

I learnt a lot from these 10 sessions. The best part is, all these lessons would stay with us forever no matter wherever we are in this world. This session also brought us exchange students together, in the process of giving and taking ideas and mingling via comment and all the social media sources that we worked with to complete our sessions.

Blogger : This is my favorite web-site. Blogging is not only fun but it brings forth a lot of ideas of people from all over the world. People have the freedom to express themselves without being judged and I think it also serves as a journal in many people's lives.

Twitter : Whenever I hear Twitter, I go "Tweet Tweet". The name itself portrays a happy feeling and because it is short, it attracts more attention from the followers than any other web-sites. Twitter also allows #hashtags.

YouTube : YouTube is the most popular video web-site. It is a very nice source for media entertainment. YouTube videos attract a lot of attention from viewers from all over the world.

Facebook : Facebook connects friends and family. Sometimes even strangers, which can be a bad thing but also a very good thing as it helps in getting people to join certain campaigns or sent invitation for a meeting.

Instagram : I love taking pictures, and no other web-site is as awesome in expressing what I see through my eyes to the others, but Instagram. It is very easy and the #hashtags make it easy for people to find the particular thing they are looking for.

Linkedln : I knew nothing about Linkedln until the 9th session of GNML. Thank you so much for introducing us with Linkedln. It is a very nice to be able to look and find jobs.

I am really grateful to you all for interacting to me. Its been a big journey and I am going to miss all of this. But I will still continue with my blog and I hope you stay with me till the very end.

Bangladesh Today

Using the Social Media, I now receive RSS feeds about Bangladesh in my email. Reading the recent articles I found out that currently my country, Bangladesh is suffering political violence all over the country. I feel bad to say this but political conflicts are causing greater harm to the country than it already had.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

GNML Session Comes To An End

1. What was the most rewarding single experience of our 10 session GNML Online program for YOU?

The most rewarding single experience of our 10 session GNML Online program for me was to be able to learn all the positive uses of Social Media. It taught me how to approach to people easily and fast, with a positive attitude to make a change in my community.

2. What was the most challenging single experience of our 10 session GNML Online program for YOU?

The most challenging single experience of our 10 session GNML Online program for me was to be able to finish all these sessions. These sessions introduced me to a lot of Social Media apps and accounts that was a bit challenging to update and be updated at all times.

3. What is the most important single thing you learned in our 10 session GNML Online program?

I learned that Social Media has dominated the lives of millions of people in this whole entire world. Information is free if you know how to look for them. Through Social Media anyone can start a campaign to bring a change anywhere in this world.